
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Beyond the protest paradigm: Four types of news coverage and America’s most prominent social movement organizations
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, and Weijun Yuan
    Sociological Forum, Sep 2024


  1. Black lives matter protests and the 2020 Presidential election
    Neal Caren, Kenneth T. Andrews, and Micah H. Nelson
    Social Movement Studies, May 2023
    Publisher: Routledge _eprint:
  2. What Drives the News Coverage of US Social Movements?
    Weijun Yuan, Neal Caren, and Edwin Amenta
    Social Forces, May 2023
  3. Four Eras of Studies of Politics and Social Movements in Social Forces
    Neal Caren
    Social Forces, Apr 2023
  4. Comparing Perceived Disruptiveness and Effectiveness of Protest Tactics
    Katherine Furl, Todd Lu, Austin Hoang-Nam Vo, and 1 more author
    Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, Jan 2023
  5. Extracting protest events from newspaper articles with ChatGPT
    Neal Caren, Kenneth T. Andrews, and Rashawn Ray
    Aug 2023


  1. Rough draft of history : a century of US social movements in the news
    Neal Caren Edwin Amenta
    Aug 2022


  1. Racial, ethnic, and immigration protest during year one of the Trump presidency
    Kenneth T Andrews, Neal Caren, and Todd Lu
    In Racialized Protest and the State: Resistance and Repression in a Divided America, Aug 2020
  2. Contemporary Social Movements in a Hybrid Media Environment
    Neal Caren, Kenneth T. Andrews, and Todd Lu
    Annual Review of Sociology, Aug 2020


  1. The Science of Contemporary Street Protest: New Efforts in the United States
    Dana R. Fisher, Kenneth T Andrews, Neal Caren, and 5 more authors
    Science Advances, Aug 2019


  1. The Political Institutions, Processes, and Outcomes Movements Seek to Influence
    Edwin Amenta, Kenneth T Andrews, and Neal Caren
    In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, Aug 2018
  2. Protesting Trump
    Kenneth T Andrews, Neal Caren, and Alyssa Browne
    Mobilization: An International Quarterly, Aug 2018


  1. Economic breakdown and collective action
    Neal Caren, Sarah Gaby, and Catherine Herrold
    Social Problems, Aug 2016
  2. Recipes for attention: Policy reforms, crises, organizational characteristics, and the newspaper coverage of the LGBT Movement, 1969–2009
    Thomas Alan Elliott, Edwin Amenta, and Neal Caren
    Sociological Forum, Aug 2016
  3. The rise of inequality: How social movements shape discursive fields
    Sarah Gaby, and Neal Caren
    Mobilization: An International Quarterly, Aug 2016
  4. The unbuilt environment: culture moderates the built environment for physical activity
    Andrew J Perrin, Neal Caren, Asheley C Skinner, and 2 more authors
    BMC public health, Aug 2016


  1. Disruptive Democratization: Contentious Events and Liberalizing Outcomes Globally, 1990–2004
    Mohammad Ali Kadivar, and Neal Caren
    Social Forces, Aug 2015


  1. Political and cultural dimensions of Tea Party support, 2009–2012
    Andrew J Perrin, Steven J Tepper, Neal Caren, and 1 more author
    The Sociological Quarterly, Aug 2014


  1. Frontiers in Social Movement Methodology
    Neal Caren
    Mobilization: An International Quarterly, Aug 2013
  2. Are children of parents who had same-sex relationships disadvantaged? A scientific evaluation of the no-differences hypothesis
    Andrew J Perrin, Philip N Cohen, and Neal Caren
    Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, Aug 2013
  3. Outcomes, political
    Edwin Amenta, and Neal Caren
    The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Aug 2013


  1. Political Reform and the Historical Trajectories of US Social Movements in the Twentieth Century
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, and James E Stobaugh
    Social Forces, Aug 2012
  2. A Social Movement Online Community: Stormfront and the White Nationalist Movement
    Neal Caren, Kay Jowers, and Sarah Gaby
    Media, Movements, and Political Change, Aug 2012
  3. Occupy online: How cute old men and Malcolm X recruited 400,000 US users to OWS on Facebook
    Sarah Gaby, and Neal Caren
    Social Movement Studies, Aug 2012


  1. A social movement generation: Cohort and period trends in protest attendance and petition signing
    Neal Caren, Raj Andrew Ghoshal, and Vanesa Ribas
    American Sociological Review, Aug 2011
  2. Cultures of the tea party
    Andrew J Perrin, Steven J Tepper, Neal Caren, and 1 more author
    Contexts, Aug 2011


  1. The Political Consequences of Social Movements
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, Elizabeth Chiarello, and 1 more author
    Annual Review of Sociology, Aug 2010
  2. Making the News: Movement Organizations, Media Attention, and the Public Agenda
    Kenneth T Andrews, and Neal Caren
    American Sociological Review, Dec 2010


  1. All the movements fit to print: Who, what, when, where, and why SMO families appeared in the New York Times in the twentieth century
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, Sheera Joy Olasky, and 1 more author
    American Sociological Review, Dec 2009


  1. Big city, big turnout? Electoral participation in American cities
    Neal Caren
    Journal of Urban Affairs, Dec 2007


  1. Age for leisure? Political mediation and the impact of the pension movement on US old-age policy
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, and Sheera Joy Olasky
    American Sociological Review, Dec 2005
  2. newspaper coverage of social movement organizations in the 20th century
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, and Sheera Joy Olasky
    contexts, Dec 2005
  3. TQCA: A Technique for Adding Temporality to Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    Neal Caren, and Aaron Panofsky
    Sociological methods & research, Nov 2005


  1. The Legislative, Organizational, and Beneficiary Consequences of State-Oriented Challengers
    Edwin Amenta, and Neal Caren
    The Blackwell companion to social movements, Nov 2004


  1. Mobilizing the Single-Case Study: Doug McAdam’s Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930–1970
    Michael Armato, and Neal Caren
    Qualitative sociology, Nov 2002
  2. Challengers and states: Toward a political sociology of social movements
    Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, Tina Fetner, and 1 more author
    Research in Political Sociology, Nov 2002


  1. US social policy in comparative and historical perspective: Concepts, images, arguments, and research strategies
    Edwin Amenta, Chris Bonastia, and Neal Caren
    Annual Review of Sociology, Nov 2001